Interpreter and Translator: Italian - English - French - German

I work as a freelance conference interpreter for the following language pairs:

English <> Italian

French > Italian

German > Italian


I’m a member of Assointerpreti, the Italian Association of Conference Interpreters, which has been included by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development in the list of associations entitled to issue to their members a quality certificate in accordance with Law no. 4/2013.

Like all the members of Assointerpreti, I have signed the association’s Code of Conduct and Professional Practice, I have an obligation to continuing education and I have a professional liability insurance.

For quotes or inquiries:

Phone: (+39) 3201878191

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 loghi assointerpreti 2023

Short CV

Master's degree in Conference Interpreting and Translation Studies (Italian, English, French) at the Advanced School for Interpreters and Translators  of the University of Bologna (based in Forlì) 

One semester as an exchange student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA)

Courses in German language and culture and in interpreting from German into Italian at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, at the Internationale Sommerschule Germersheim and the Department of Interpretation and Translation of the University of Bologna (based in Forlì)

Active as freelance interpreter and translator since 2004; member of the Tuscan group of Assointerpreti since 2005. Collaborations with professional conference organizers, language service providers, private companies and public bodies